Edward Thomas
How diplomatic are you? Beginnings and endings.
The right level of formality is very important when writing to people or sending emails. Look at the sentences below. Below them write F if you think they are formal, I, if you think they are informal, and N, if you think they are neutral.
A) „Dear sir,
Thank you for your enquiry...”
B) „Dear Mr Jones,
I was pleased to receive your request for...”
C) „Dear Thomas,
Delighted to get your questions...”
Correct answers are here
Which one:
1) Doesn't use the pronoun where it would normally be used?
2) Uses the personal pronoun „I”?
3) Addresses only the sender?
D) „Look forward to hearing more soon,
E) „Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information.
Yours sincerely,
Brown associates.”
F) „Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
Best regards,
D. Phillips”
Correct answers are here
Which ending:
4) uses a negative to express a positive idea?
5) omits a personal pronoun where one should be used?
6) uses a friendly imperative?
Correct answers are here
Now match the greetings with the endings in the boxes provided
Correct answers are here
Dear 1) Dr Trevor Phillips,
2) Perhaps you remember me from the time when I was a student in your care in the Department of Sociology at the University of Grantchester, in Wessex? It was in 2001 and I was a foreign exchange student specialising for my Doctorate in the evolution of the concept of culture in the public mind. 3) I wonder if you recall our several long conversations about the place of culture in making a modern society function, creating a sense of belonging etc? As I wrote to you soon afterwards, I very much enjoyed my stay and it added a lot to my academic development.
4) Since that time I have been 5) engaged in field studies among the population of Atlantis - my homeland - about the perception of culture and how it allows people to find a role in their community that goes beyond having a job and helps them to decide how to live - how much money 6) they are to spend, what kind of house 7) they are to live in, what kind of groups to join, etc.
Now 8) my aim is to use the results of those studies to enter into a discussion with the work of your celebrated colleague Mr Anthony Gittens. 9) I intend to publish a book looking at to what extent, contrary to Gittens, 10) the concept of culture can be seen to be strengthened by individual decision-making and choice. 11) Gittens stated that culture must ultimately override choice, but 12) it seems to me the opposite is true - choice must strengthen culture in the end.
13) In order to achieve my goal of publishing this work, a period spent in your special Grantchester environment 14) would be very helpful. I 15) wonder if you could see whether there is any chance of you receiving me as a 16) paying guest? I 17) would also very much welcome the chance to discuss my project 18) with yourself and, if possible, your friend and colleague Mr Gittens.
Atlantis University, where I work, is not very wealthy, but I think 19) we would be delighted to receive 20) a return visit from you. 21) I look forward very much to receiving your reply to this request.
Thank you and best wishes.
Charles Dickens, 22) Senior Lecturer, Atlantis University, Atlantis, Atlantia.
Answer following questions:
1. Is this letter A) formal, B) informal, or C) neutral?
2. Are Charles Dickens and Dr Trevor Phillips A) friends, B) colleagues, or C) acquaintances?
3. Has Charles Dickens been A) working abroad, B) doing practical research among people in society or C) working in the University?
4. Charles Dickens' book is A) in agreement with Anthony Gittens, B) unrelated to his field work, C) on the same topic as his fieldwork but in disagreement with Gittens.
5. Dickens' would like to come to Grantchester to A) help him in his targets for the book, B) earn some money, C) publish his work.
6. While he is there Dickens' would like to A) earn money, B) argue with Gittens C) discuss his project.
7. Dickens would like to A) have Phillips come on a visit to Atlanta B) visit Phillips personally, C) go to Grantchester several times?
Correct answers are here
In The Letter we saw a letter of introduction from one person to a person they hadn't seen for quite a long time. It was also a letter of suggestions and requests.