dnes je 22.10.2024



3.8.2018, , Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer


Edward Thomas


There are three well known types of production:

A) Job production – where the whole product is made by one person or group of persons to meet a specific short-term need

B) Batch production – where products are produced in groups which are the same or similar which may be made only when needed

C) Flow production – when the same or similar products are made without stopping because they are always wanted.

Can you match the terms to these longer descriptions? Which producer makes:

A) Barometers for retirees,

B) Ready-meals for busy working people,

C) Mobile phones?

1) „These products are produced as and when we have an order for them. That will depend on the demand from the consumer, which in our case depends on the season and even the weather. It may also depend on promotional or advertising policy. Since we have a range of foods, we have types of food for warmer weather (for example pasta salad), and for cooler weather (for example Lasagne). We can use the same machines for many products. The main differences are the container size and the size of the product seals needed. Our lines are adjustable and so adaptable to many products so that we can respond to the changing market rapidly.”

2) „Each gift is unique, individual. When a company says goodbye to a long-term employee they sometimes want to do it in style. I offer a range of shapes of wood, designs and finishes and will work to the specifications of the customer- which is why I can describe my products as fully customized.”

3) „Because demand for our products is pretty stable we can operate our production lines continuously. Each line is finely adjusted to the product being made and we don't like to make too many changes- standardisation is a fundamental feature of handsets. Customers expect to buy a specific model with its fixed design and features without any defects- that's why so many can be sold online today”

Correct answers are here1


When we describe processes we want to focus on the steps or stages of activity, rather than the people who do these activities. That's why it's common for descriptions of production to use passive forms ie. adding the verb „to be” in the right form, and making the main verb past eg. I made = it was made by me. It also increases the scientific „feel” of the writing, which is useful for presentational reasons. Look at the process description of a production line below. Can you first of all arrange the sentences to make sense, and secondly add the missing words from the selection below with the correct passive forms?

convey, check, seal, operate, arrange, carry out, stop, locate, equip, intend, place, fill up, have been done

The Food Factory

A) At the end of the line there is a sealer which may be automatic or 1. …………………………… manually depending on the volume of production and type of product. The products 2. …………………………… by heat-on-plastic, and then 3. …………………………… by operatives to ensure that the seals 4. …………………………… effectively.

B) They 5. …………………………… down the line on a mechanical conveyor belt and pasta and sauces are added in a predefined sequence.

C) Each 6. …………………………… - with a variety of machines- mostly automated dispensers or hoppers

D) At the head of each line the right-sized dishes 7. …………………………… on the moving line by one or two workers.

E) If a problem occurs on the line the conveyor belt can 8. …………………………… immediately if an operative pulls on the emergency cord which 9. …………………………… just above head height all along the line. This 10. …………………………… to protect against product defects and personal injury for operatives.

F) The automatic hoppers and dispensers 11. …………………………… by the line manager and his assistant.

G) The production lines 12. …………………………… in parallel - there are seven on our factory floor.

H) Additional checks and tests 13. …………………………… frequently by quality control staff.

Correct answers are here2


The following sentences come from the manufacturing context. Can you use the words from the
